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To assist you in recruiting skilled employees who will contribute to the productivity of the company, trained professionals will conduct employee screening and psychometric testing to find the most suitable candidate and job match.


Psychometric testing covers:  


  • Cognitive ability- impacts on work performance and in order to have a holistic approach with respect to functioning, this is included in the test battery.


  • Competencies & Skills​-  indicates the most competent candidates and most skilled so that you will choose the very best for the job required. 


  • Personality -an in-depth personality profile of an individual, focusing mainly on his/her typical behaviour within the work environment. It also determines certain personality traits that are important for the position or job applied for.


  • Integrity- Integrity testing is an integral part of the assessment process, for the following reasons: People who score high on integrity tests are more likely to be trustworthy, honest, responsible and conscientious employees. They are more likely to become involved in pro-social/ acceptable behaviour that is to the benefit of their employer. In contrast, people who score low on integrity tests are more likely to engage in a variety of counter-productive behaviour in the work environment, ranging from late coming, absence, lying, cheating to stealing, interpersonal aggression, sloppy work, and so forth. It is thus a critical factor to take cognisance of within all organisations.

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